From the Cottage-by-the-Sea #5, 06/01/2021

O Abba!

Gratitude floods this heart!

The door closes behind me as I sink to the floor,

If not for You upholding me every step,

Practically carrying me through the door,

Regardless of the storm, the war raging beyond these walls,

You’ve seen me home Your love rolls forevermore.

Trying to understand the hurt, the pain,

To listen when people try to explain,

The words are like physical artillery

Their power and cunning cannot be contained.

The hatred roaring like the buildings burning,

The violence of man’s heart unrestrained.

I want to hear, I want Your will not mine,

But, in the deafening overpowering rage,

Abba I find it hard to hear the softest voice,

We are all to blame for this situation on this page.

Can we ever unite again as people who believe in You?

What we’re reaping is our rightly due wage.

Peace, peace be still, You said

As the waves threatened to overturn the boat,

Be still and know that I am God

In every niche and corner no matter how remote,

May the first stones thump softly to the ground,

May we give them our coats and cloaks.

Patch me up Dear Abba Father,

Send me not to share more anger and hate,

Instead Your never-ending love and hope.

You have me here for a time it’s not mere fate,

Nothing with You is accidental or confused,

Your ways hold no surprising rate.

Christ gave His life’s blood for our sins,

It was not a question of if but when,

From Adam right until now and beyond,

Man has covered fear and guilt with buzzing din,

Justifications to make wrong seem right,

From beginning until the very end.



Trust in You

Help me trust you God, I don't want to falter.
Though circumstances are grim and discouraging
Evil must not win, help me be encouraging.
Help me trust you God, I don't want to falter.

Let your love for all humanity be mine, may I choose to love.
Even in the midst of the world filled with hate,
I choose your love may it not be late,
Let your love for all humanity be mine, may I choose to love.

Set me firmly on Your path, I believe in Your way.
As even basic decency is lost in this place,
Strengthen me for Your pace,
Set me firmly on Your path, I believe in Your way.

O God, may I be found as true, faithful to You.
May I know when and how to fight for Your way,
Being sure if I have anger it is righteous each day,
O God, may I be found as true, faithful to You.

Father, may my heart always believe in You first.
Even as it appears evil is winning after all,
Remind me of Your plan since Adam and Eve's fall,
Father, may my heart always believe in You first.


What Message is Getting Through

Photo by Eva Elijas on

There is deafening noise all around,
You cannot escape it wherever you are bound.
A violent roar angry, loud and explosive,
So loud, oh so loud, it turns into a weapon so corrosive.
Noise so big, so loud, so hot and molten,
Your message is lost to all, dispelled, no longer golden.

There is violence in the streets below.
People breaking in, as people once friends turn to foes.
Glass shatters, bricks explode, fire flames and licks,
The guilty or innocent such destruction has no pick.
Businesses, homes, people damaged or wiped away,
Taken out by waves of fury again today.

There are tidal waves of age old lies,
How many deaths will be enough to die?
Leaders so corrupted they cannot smell their stench,
Plans roll out to which they've plied their wrench.
This has nothing to do with "we the people",
Much to do with the torn down steeple.

No longer can I hear the message,
No longer can I read the passage,
No longer can I find reason for sanity,
No longer do I see any recognization of dignity.
The locusts have passed again and again,
I cannot hear through their violent, wicked din.

There is one promise to which I cling,
One taste of tomorrow despite todays sting.
Jesus came and died, He the only perfect One,
He rose from death His victory won.
He is returning, He is coming back,
In Him alone resides all the understanding we lack.

Until then though I struggle to hear your voice,
Do you think there is another sane choice?
This paints a picture of evil reigning,
Of the worst of all humanity demanding,
Their way or no way, life or death,
It seems your intent to steal away our last breath.

There is deafening racket all around,
No escape no matter where you're bound.
A violent roar, angry, loud and explosive,
So loud, oh so loud, it turns into a weapon so corrosive.
Noise so BIG, so LOUD, SO hot, SO molten,
Your message is lost to all, dispelled, no longer golden.


When is Your Moment?

Photo by Pixabay on
Esther through marriage became a Queen to King Xerxes.
She too was an Israelite, a Jew, like many in the land.
Haman had planned all the Jews alienation.
It had been decided there was no question,
She could lose her life by her intervention,
Or lose her life, by keeping silent,
While others too died by this extermination decree.

Her cousin Mordecai reminded her perhaps this was,
Why she was there, for such a time as this,
God spoke and Esther answered many lives were saved.

The woman caught in adultery,
Was gleefully brought to Jesus to be judged,
In the pious presence of those who plied the Law,
Jesus knew what her accusers claimed they saw,
Telling them that the one among them,
Without sin could throw the first stone,
One by one stones fell unthrown to the ground.

The adulterous woman met Jesus,
She had her moment with Jesus to choose change,
An experience of truth in love meant she was a new creation.

The woman came mid-day to the well,
She met Jesus there at the siesta hour,
He knew before she arrived of her deepest shame,
And she was never again the same,
For in the mirror shared in Holy love with her,
She faced only His and her own truth,
And forgiveness unexpected flowed in.

This woman who avoided the company of society,
Met Jesus and stepped into the light,
She immediately shared her experience and changed.

Judas met Jesus and was trusted,
From Jesus he was never treated different,
Although his underlying nature rose,
Judas put God's best aside to dose.
Although the Lord knew all along,
He was the one to betray Him,
Judas's decision was his own.

This disciple was with Jesus nearly everyday,
Never believing enough to change,
Never able in his moment to open his heart to love.

Mary Magdalene to Jesus's tomb came,
To finish preparing the body of Christ,
Found the stone that covered the tomb,
Stood open to reveal an empty womb,
When she ran she saw Jesus in the garden
Mary's faith was rewarded and unconfused,
Jesus was the victor over death.

She had her faithful witness moment,
And she hurried off to tell,
Jesus gave her the joy to share He was alive.

Each of the apostles were specifically called,
From life as they had known it until then,
They came of their own free wills,
Their hearts to God's service were sealed.
Though they were persecuted, imprisoned, stoned, beheaded,
After Jesus's resurrection these men held to Jesus true,
Eleven who in their moment still chose Jesus.

These ordinary men took a leap of faith,
And carried the Word to the world,
Faithful to the ends of earthly life and beyond.

Saul began becoming Paul,
On the road to Damascus,
He temporarily lost his sight
Jesus spoke to him outright,
He followed Jesus' instructions,
Regained his sight, and in his moment,
He now accepted Jesus as the truth.

In such a dramatic and unusual way,
Saul became Paul as he changed,
Becoming one who he once sought to kill.

What moment are you waiting for?
What call do you still need?
What keeps you hardened within yourself?
What chains does evil have left?
Is this perhaps the moment?
The change you were meant to make?
You and you alone must choose.

What stands between you and Jesus?
If you choose Jesus you will never again be the same.
Were you born for such a time as this?

4/10/21, 6/7/21

Prayer for this Day


Abba Father,
My friends, this worlds humanity,
All who suffer are hurting deeply,
Physically, emotionally, spiritually we’re ill,
Some know addiction, fear, hate and anger still.
There’s COVID-19 and much uncertainty,
Vaccines, economic turmoil, freedom threatened,
O such physical, heart, soul felt sicknesses,
Heal us please Lord, if it is Your will.

Lord, people are
Trying to hold to You in all circumstances,
As basic kindness fades and evil appears to have control,
Throughout this world all lives abruptly change,
Lights are hidden beneath bushels flicker and wane.
Evil appears triumph, fighting for control of us all.
We have wasted opportunity in our history,
Now we are facing the consequences
Is it to late, will You save us Mighty God?
We know Your mercy is in range.


The Light on the Horizon

The Light is alive,
Eyes scan the horizon
Somewhere it is there,
The gleam of everything
Your heart needs to care..
In the span of nothingness behind you,
You can feel it more than see
All the hurt, pain, and shame,
To the left, to the right and ahead
Heavy fog moans your name…
Then as you pose to go,
It breaks the darkened sky
It shoots out like a giant blaze,
Piercing and silencing all but this
As if it's brighter than the suns rays,
"Come home!"
Then your speed increases,
As you run to the hope ahead
'Til you are faster than wind,
The light gets brighter
From the love of your friend…
There in the light you see,
Our precious Lord so loved
The Jesus of old Calvery,
His body has left the tomb,
Alive triumphth over ancient rilvery…
There's a light on the horizon,
Eyes of faith and hope can see
Though covered by intentional lies,
Lies of the evil one, traps of ego and pride
Liars you believed now wither and die…
Choose today who you will serve,
God or concoctions man theorized,
Here, now, trust or let your life dive,
Will you trust your heart and soul
You have the chance to live to be alive…
There's a light on your horizon,
For eyes to open wide,
Faith will help you to see,
Just one move toward it
Will carry you all the way, just believe…
Jesus is Alive!


From the Cottage-by-the-Sea, #6, 5/24/2021

Art & photo by dfav.
Aiming to go to our prayer cottage,
Our place by the sea
It is hard to reach today
The four a.m. moon faint,
Barely visible reflected in the sea.
The journey feels like forever
I wheel wounded body and soul
Both giving up on me.

I cannot wheel myself further,
No closer to where I want to be,
I call out to You Jesus
Do You see how much I need You?
Will You rescue me?
Even as I think to call out
The thought awakens in my mind,
"Try again to reach me."

In amazement I am here
Outside the Cottage-by-the-Sea,
Wheeling closer, down to the shore
While physical exhaustion drips away
The breeze from the sea fills me.
The tide is high and crashing in,
Sweeping away and sweeping in,
The shoreline by the sea.

The cares of this earthly life
Recede in my heart You've given me.
Your voice speaks in my ears,
Reminding me of what's vital
Of what really needs to be.
My eyes close so I can listen,
Truly hear what You are saying
Here by the Cottage-by-the-Sea.

Hands clasp onto mine.
Pulling me to run beside You free,
I feel Your scars from the nails
O this moment of the sweet-by-and-by
For Jesus' hands have me.
Time slips by as He walks
And I follow without fright
Along the beach by the sea.

He speaks to me in earnest
Waves pouncing at our feet by the sea
I can feel sand between my toes
The toes of both feet as it
Gently occurs to me,
There is only one leg
On this wounded body of mine
Even here by the Cottage-by-the-Sea.

Laughter, joy, amazement erupts
I hear Jesus' laughter next to me
One day, like now, in His presence,
I will walk, rejoice, even dance
Beside Heaven's crystal sea.
Regardless of all of Earth's troubles,
Its miseries and darkness
In this moment I am free
Walking with Jesus
As we laugh by the sea.


Running to You

Seems like the world is closing in,

Not sure what or who is wrong this time,

Not sure of who should win,

Or if there’s a winning side at all.

I will be running, running to You.

But, this I am confident is true,

When Jesus splits the eastern sky,

This daughter will be running to You,

I will run to You, I will run to You.

I will be the one running to You.

After years of wondering what I should do,

Every second it takes me to get there,

Is one less to spend with You,

I will be the one running with a smile on my face.

I will be the one running, running to You.

There will be skid marks where I slide,

When I reach the point before Your throne,

Throwing my arms up, my heart open wide,

Holy tears will flow down my cheeks,

I will have been running, running to You.

To worship, adore You and praise You too.

Yes, I will be the one running fast as I can,

How long I have hungered for this time You are due,

I will be running to You despite one leg being gone.

Yes, I will be running, running to You.




There is a scent on the wind,
A different one, unrecognizable,
Wrapped in notes of bitterness,
Hints of fear, anger are palatable.
The heart draws in these scents,
Overtones of hate and despair,
Unclean hands ad hearts,
All swirling on the same breath of air.
Can all these be the smell
Of mankind destroying one another?
Could this be what the end stench details?
A decaying, arid, rotten smother?

Wait, there blows in another wind,
A cleaner, fresher, welcome scent,
This pushes through the bad smell,
Pure, newly washed, gentle hints.
Lungs rejoice at renewed hope,
From where does this originate?
With its notes of forgiveness,
Its source by choice not fate?
Eyes look up to the sunrise
Lungs pausing at the welcome sight
Jesus breathing over us all
Allowed He'll make everything right.

Everyone come and rest a while,
Breath deep of both streams of scent,
Which do you want to give life to you?
Do you require any other hint?
There is a smell on rushing wind,
Choose fresh and clean or stench of decay,
Either will set off change in you,
This is your moment, you have this say.
This earth will one day pass,
Your last breath will be vile or sweet,
These winds bring you a choice,
Which way will they send heart and feet?


Holy Water

Photo by Transformation Films on
Sprinkle me with the purest water
Until the dust evaporates
Until my soul believes it participates
So I feel better for a while.

But, afterwards the sin remains
More vivid are my scarlet stains.

Submerge me in water pure and fresh
Until I am surface soaked
Until it seems my soul is cleansed
So I feel better for a longer while.

But, in all too short a time
My sin stains lay claim as mine.

Plunge me under the running water
Until the agitation washes deeper
Until my soul appears to be a keeper
So I feel sure for a even longer while.

But, as times passes by and on
My heart knows it is a con.

Wash me in Your Holy Water
Until Your blood from Calvary flows
Until the water runs high and low
So I can convince myself an even longer while.

But, this time do not let me intervene
For Believer's Baptism is not routine.

Saturate me thoroughly in Your Holy Water
Until no part of me is remotely still dry
Until my soul knows it responded to Your cry
So this is real Believer's Baptism, those real smiles.

No buts, no ifs or pretenses this time
Steel like assurance as a Savior You are mine.

Flood my entire being in Your Holy Spirit
Until every wrong I have ever done
Until every unrighteousness is gone
So I continue as a new creation in You.

But this time I really understand
Faith proceeds instead of routines hand.
